DCMC Family Clinic & Nutt Walley Clinic
Picture of a female Physician sitting down on a stool smiling at her male patient that is across from her. She is holding a pen and clipboard.
The Dallas County Medical Center Family Clinic and Nutt Walley Clinic of DCMC are general/family practice clinics. It is the intent of our providers and staff to provide healthcare of the highest quality to all patients and to the citizens of Dallas and the surrounding counties. Both clinics provide family medical care for all ages from well-baby care to the management of chronic illness in senior adults.
Our Mission
Dallas County Medical Center Family Clinic and Nutt Walley Clinic of DCMC serves it's community by providing high quality, efficient healthcare. Our goal is to improve and preserve the quality of life through preventive, acute, and chronic care that is compassionate and responsive to our patient's need.
Please call one of our clinics to schedule an appointment. We strive to serve our patients in a timely manner. Call us now for your next appointment!
New patients should arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete necessary paperwork.
Please be prepared to provide:
Photo Identification (driver's license, etc.)
Insurance Cards
List of medications you are taking
Copies of advanced directives (if available)
Payments due at the time of service
Patient information updates
Both clinics are preferred providers for most commercial insurance plans and accept Medicare and Medicaid assignment. Please provide the office with information to file your claims properly. Let us know if you receive new insurance cards or make any changes.
If you have Medicare, let us know if any other insurance is primary for each visit.
If you do not have insurance:
To be in compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009, you should obtain health insurance coverage. The State of Arkansas will help you find insurance through the Arkansas Department of Health. In many cases, subsidies may be available to help you pay for your insurance.
You may go online, contact insurance offices, or visit your local Department of Health.
Federal website: www.healthcare.gov
Federal Phone: 800-318-2596
State Website: www.arhealthconnector.org
State Phone: 855-283-3483
Dallas County DHS phone: 870-352-5115
Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance Policy & Procedure
After Hours Care
In case of emergency, call 911.
If you need to talk with a doctor or nurse, call 870-352-6300 and ask to speak with the doctor or nurse on duty.
Prescription Refills
If you need a refill on your medication, please call your pharmacy and ask them to fax us a refill request. Refills are usually addressed within 24 hours of receipt of the request.
![]() Lindsey N. Walley, MD |
![]() David Foscue, MD |
![]() Cory McMahon, APRN |
![]() Jenna Bryant, APRN |
![]() Christal Martindale, APRN |
![]() Madeline Reed, APRN |
![]() Logan Sisson, APRN |
DCMC Family Clinic
Our Providers:
David Foscue, MD
Monday-Thursday (8AM-5PM)
Christal Martindale, APRN
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (8AM-5PM); Tuesday (8AM-12PM)
Madeline Reed, APRN
Monday-Thursday (8AM-5PM)
Cory McMahon, APRN
Monday-Thursday (8AM-5PM); Friday (9AM-12PM)
Office Supervisor:
Hannah Lightfoot
201 North Clifton Street
Fordyce, AR 71742
Dallas County Medical Center Family Clinic provides general family practice care for all ages and accepts most insurances.
Nutt-Walley Clinic of Dallas County Medical Center
Our Providers:
Lindsey Walley, MD
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (8AM-5PM); Tuesday (8AM-12PM)
Logan Sisson, APRN
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (8AM-5PM)
Wednesday (8AM-12PM)
Jenna Bryant, APRN
Thursday (8AM-5PM) Wound Clinic
Friday (8AM-12PM) Nutt Walley Clinic
Office Supervisor:
Lindsay Berry
110 North Clifton
Fordyce, AR 71742
Nutt-Walley Clinic of Dallas County Medical Center provides general family practice care for all ages, minor procedures, lab, DOT physicals and other services.
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
You have the right to:
considerate and respectful care.
be well informed about your illness, possible treatments, likely outcome and to discuss this information with your provider.
know the names and roles of people treating you.
consent to or refuse a treatment, as permitted by law.
have an Advance Directive, such as a Living Will or health care proxy. These documents express your choices about your future care or name someone to decide if you cannot speak for yourself.
privacy - the providers and employees will protect your privacy as much as possible.
expect that treatment records are confidential unless you have given permission to release information or reporting is required or permitted by law.
review your medical records and have the information explained, except when restricted by law.
know if the Clinic has relationships with outside parties that may influence your treatment and care.
know about Clinic guidelines that affect you and your treatment and about charges and payment methods.
know about the Clinic's resources, such as representatives that can help you resolve problems and questions about your care.
treatment without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, disability, veteran status, sex, age, religion or sexual orientation.
You are responsible for:
reading all documents that you sign. If you do not understand, please ask for clarification.
providing information about your health.
asking questions if you do not understand.
following the plan of care developed with the healthcare provider.
notifying the clinic director if you feel any of your rights have been violated or if you have a significant complaint or suggestion to improve services or quality of care.